《莫忘初衷 ROOTS》沈浸式原創音樂舞展
2023.05.13 14:00 (六) - 2023.05.13 14:00 (六)
臺北流行音樂中心 文化館二樓特展廳
所,以然 Beauty & Health, save as draft
2023/5/13 (六) 14:00-16:00(入場時間13:00-13:50)
• LINE 官方:@sawbeauty • E-mail: sawbeauty.health@gmail.com • 電話 (Phone):02-2758-0186
「以最直接的感官,帶著大家一同產生連結與共鳴的體驗」—— 莫忘初衷 ROOTS。生活美學品牌「所,以然 Beauty&Health」與來自美國的舞團 save as daft,推出為台灣而生的沈浸式聲光舞展《莫忘初衷 ROOTS》,因為相信人們唯有關注自己的身、心、靈,讓三者合一,才能往更真實的自己靠近,結合舞者即興、聲光投影、及台灣嘻哈組合,兼具復古與創新實驗元素,在藝術與文化交織之下,帶領人們看見生命的最初始的核心。邀請每一個你,沈浸在當下的感官體驗裡,找回自己屬於自己的根源、喚醒你的初衷。
「保持最原始的自己」是品牌「所,以然 Beauty&Health」與舞團 save as draft 的共同信念,演出以「初衷」兩字拉開演出序幕,透過沈浸式舞作,讓人們發現屬於自己的「莫忘初衷」。舞作將呈現生命三大元素:陽光、空氣、水,不預設任何既定立場,面對面的方式,讓觀眾以近距離感受澎湃的沈浸式舞作魅力,看見五位國際舞者與聲光共舞的肢體,聽見台灣在地嘻哈組合與多國藝術家的文化共振,在兼具復古元素與創新實驗的現場,收穫豐盛的五感體驗。身體感受了、心接而回應,而靈魂得到充沛的喜悅。人們的身、心、靈在這場演出達到合一的美好,參與這場演出的觀眾,即是完成這場演出的一部分。
這是所,以然 Beauty&Health 與舞團 save as draft 在世人面前的第一舞,期待每一個人在經歷這場體驗後,能在自己的人生中,舞出更美好的自我。
誠摯邀請熱愛生命及舞蹈的你,於 5 月 13 日與我們一同快樂起舞,找回初衷。現場更備有私廚特製點心
S.A.W Beauty & Health and save as draft shares the common belief of “staying true to one’s original self”. The performance opens the curtains on the concept of one’s original goal through an immersive dance experience, allowing everyone to find the fire that ignited their passion. The dance will display the 3 elements of life: Sun, Air, Water. Face to face with the performers, the audience can fully experience the charm of the immersive performance. The incorporation of 5 renown international dancer’s movement flow with Taiwan’s local hip hop music group, creates a beautiful multi-cultural resonance between artists from around the world. A new experiment that combines new innovations with vintage elements. The body feels, the heart responds, and the soul is filled with joy. The people’s body, mind and soul become one in this performance. Everyone attending this event will be a part of the performance.
This is S.A.W Beauty & Health and save as draft’s very first public appearance, hoping for everyone to live up to the best version of themselves after experiencing this performance.
Sincerely inviting you to join us on May 13th. Come find that fire in your heart with complimentary snacks from our private chef as well as drinks from Regent Hotel.
| 活動介紹 | Event Info|
- 演出 Event:《莫忘初衷 ROOTS》沈浸式原創音樂舞展
- 演出日期 Event Date:2023.05.13
- 入場時間 Entry:13:00-13:50
- 演出時間 Performance:14:00-16:00
- 演出地點 Venue:臺北流行音樂中心文化館二樓特展廳 Taipei Music Center Cultural Cube 2F
| 溫馨提醒 | Reminder |
- 本沉浸式活動將會全程站立,無提供座位,若有行動不便者,請加入官方 LINE 與主辦單位聯繫。This is a standing event throughout the entirety of the performance. Should you have any inconvenience, please contact the organizer through LINE or by e-mail.
| 活動須知 | Event Notice |
- 出於安全管理的考量,場內擁擠時需耐心等待並配合工作人員指引等待,敬請見諒。Due to safety concerns, when the venue becomes crowded, please follow the instructions of the staff.
- 請遵守展覽規則及現場工作人員指示,若因行為不當或不聽從工作人員指示而導致受傷者,主辦方將不任何法律責任。Please follow the staff’s instructions in the venue. The organizer will not be responsible for any injuries or damages that occur from failure to follow staff instructions.
- 肖像權使用聲明:購票本人同意並授權主辦單位拍攝、使用、改做、修飾、公開展示本人之肖像(包含照片及視訊影像,以下簡稱肖像)、名字、聲音…等,於本活動中所拍攝之作品。本人同意主辦單位就上述著作(內含上述授權之肖像、名字、聲音等)享有完整之著作權,其關係企業、受讓人、被授權人及繼受人得使用本人之肖像、名字、聲音…等於所有形式的著作載體及媒體。Portraiture rights statement: any ticket purchaser agrees and gives right to the organizer to film, use, edit, publish the said purchaser’s portrait (including photography and videography), name, voice, etc. for any works produced from this event. The ticket purchaser gives full copyrights (including the aforementioned portraiture rights, name, voice, etc.) to the organization, affiliated enterprises, assignee, authorized persons, and successor to use the purchaser’s portrait, name, voice, etc. in all forms of media.
| 主辦單位聯繫方式 | Contact Info |
- LINE 官方:@sawbeauty
- E-mail: sawbeauty.health@gmail.com
- 電話 (Phone):02-2758-0186